No matter where you are, anywhere you go, whatever you are doing…if you are dealing with people or interacting with the public…(..which we all do at some point…), you will encounter someone’s personality. That’s right…each personal interaction is a window into the backdrop of some aspect of who this person is. Whether it emerges in their tone of voice, their words, or their actions. Your personality strengths / weaknesses can have a positive or negative impact on any situation or person!
Having a broader awareness of our personality traits will allow us to communicate more effectively, and that is a significant advantage!
So why are personalities so critical? Because personalities are not like “moods.” They are a defining factor in who we are as individuals and an essential component within that important “communication” mix! Someone might be incredibly funny, caring, thoughtful or any one of an assortment of individual personality traits that leave an impression…and we make assessments of others all the time, whether consciously or subconsciously.
In the workplace, where we see the same people, every day for weeks, months and sometimes years, accentuating your positive personality traits can define who you are and what others will remember about you.
We all know navigating interpersonal communications can be challenging. A successful person knows their personality is a critical component…so why not show others how fantastic you are?!