Over the past two months, I have been slowly learning the hard truth of patience. I have been overwhelmed by thoughts and just always thinking about things that I cannot control. I have been rushing, trying to coerce decisions where time is needed before they can be made. When time for patience presents itself, the ideal position to be in is to be practiced enough to be able to wait it out and trust that the Lord can take care of it.
At work we often can find ourselves worrying about meetings that have a sense of impending doom for a certain project or even just worrying about the next day’s list of jobs we need to accomplish. A good form of practice I have found is using little annoyances as training grounds for when the big situations hit. Things like sitting in traffic without seething or waiting in line without complaint when the person ahead of us is wasting his money and my time buying lotto ticket after lotto ticket. Little practice areas such as these can present excellent opportunities to build a skill that is so unnatural to the human experience.