The Continual “Space” Dilemma…

Written by Anne Walter

At some point, we all do this…the typical Spring housekeeping chore of deep cleaning or reorganizing a room or a closet to create additional space.  What do I keep?…do I need this?....does it work in this space anymore?  “More space,” I say to myself, “I need more space.”  There never seems to be enough. Typically, I will step back, analyze everything, and decide what still works and what doesn’t.

This mindset came about a little earlier than normal as I recently received a designer piece of furniture from a friend who was moving.  I was so thrilled but had no room for it.  I couldn’t say “no.”  It was being delivered as a favor to me and I loved the chair.  I’m thinking to myself, I had to find a spot for it.  I looked at my available space and found only one room that might work.  It was filled with specific things that had to stay and so I followed my customary routine of sitting in the room, continually staring at everything.  Looking, thinking, analyzing, and formulating in my mind, “how I can make this work?”   

After much thought, I made the difficult decisions on what to keep or donate.  It took some time, but eventually I modified the setup of the room and the chair now fits perfectly!

What was once an initial impossibility is now a redesigned room.  It looks refreshed and is more versatile with this alternate layout…and I love the new design!  This change turned out to be a good decision!

The occasional “step back” allows each of us to consider alternate options and to be open to reviewing the different areas of our lives.  Recognizing this can lead to a positive transformation for continued, individual growth, both personally and professionally, and that can be inspiring!


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