“Drive” in the Workplace

Written by Danielle Birchard

Drive. The word drive can have many meanings. A trip, the act of operating a vehicle, a short road. But it also can mean organized effort towards a goal. Persistence. Ongoing determination. It is an interesting word when it comes to its use within a business scenario.

I look at all resumes all the time, and there are certain buzz words that come up often. “Drive” or “driven” is one that comes up fairly consistently. It makes me wonder what made that individual think that was a good adjective to describe themself. Were they told it at some point? Did they have a recent success that made them feel like they were succeeding in their chosen field? Did they google adjective for “hard worker” and see this one?

Using the word “driven” as an adjective to describe an individual should mean that they are forward thinking. They see issues and problems as chances to better their understanding. Roadblocks are opportunities to prove their skills, to enhance their leadership skills.

I am looking for people with “drive” when I am wanting to add to my team. Proving that you have “drive” in an interview process can prove challenging, but it can be done. Researching the company and being fairly fluent in their language and competitors. Doing you research on what your skillset is worth and how you would like to progress in your career. Asking thoughtful questions regarding the mission, the values, the culture, and expectations of the job. Questions like this will show that you have “drive” before you even get the job.


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