Stress Management

Written by Salina Milana

Stress. We all know it and we all deal with it. It affects everyone in a different way. For me, when I am stressed and have a lot on my plate, my brain gets overwhelmed. When that happens, I don’t know where to start. Once I figure out where to start and get things checked off my list, I start to feel better and more confident that I can tackle everything at a good pace. It just takes that first step.

That’s why people tell you “.. just take one step at a time.” All my coworkers know that I am getting married soon, looking for a house, and working full time all at once, and sometimes it can get to be a little overwhelming as a big picture. That being said, I have begun to learn that I just need to focus on one thing at a time. If I don’t learn how to compartmentalize everything, my stress from work will bleed into my personal stress or my personal stress will bleed into my work stress.

This is something I have always struggled with and probably will continue to struggle with, but another thing that helps me is to worry about the present and not the future as much. Be in the moment. And most importantly, worry about the things that you can control rather than things that are out of your control. The present is something you can control now and what you do in the present will set you up for the future.

This is what personally helps me, but like I said, everyone is different. How do you manage your stress?


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